Moving On -  Helpful Transition Hints for Seniors - Eric McCartney SRES® Real Estate Broker



This section will help assist you in deciding to “Right-size” or not.  What is Rightsizing?  Most everyone calls it DOWNSIZING but in my opinion that is too negative.  You are Rightsizing your home.  You are moving on with your life.   Enjoy it!   Cheers, Eric

Please click a button at the top of the screen to continue your journey.   


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Eric at

       1-800.463.0002  Ext. 2216 or you can e-mail Eric at

© Copyright 2011 - 2013  Eric McCartney    All rights reserved.

Thank you for visiting my Web site.

Eric McCartney

Real Estate Broker



Text Box:  
  Number of York Region Retirement Residences 2012

 671 retirement residence in the province of Ontario

 157 retirement residence in the greater Toronto area. GTA

  29 retirement residences in York Region

  13.8 %  vacancy rate in the province in 2012, compared to 15% in 2011

 17.2 % vacancy rate in the GTA in 2012 compared to 18.7 % in 2011

 51,326 retirement spaces available in the province in 2012

 15,405 retirement spaces available in the GTA

 2,883 retirement spaces available in York Region in 2012

 31,383 private or bachelor spaces available in the province in 2012, compared to 15,525 one bedroom spaces. 

 7,981 private or bachelor spaces available in the GTA in 2012, compared to 6,123 one bedroom spaces.

 1,382 private or bachelor spaces available in York Region in 2012, compared to 1,219 one bedroom spaces.

 $3,066 is the average monthly rent in the province in 2012, compared to $3,002 in 2011.

 $3,635 is the average monthly rent in the GTA in 2012, compared to $3,490 in 2011.

 $3,924 is the average monthly rent in York Region in 2012, compared to $3,667 in 2011.

 906,980 is the estimated population ages 75 and older in the province.

 378,650 is the estimated population ages 75 and older in the GTA.

 55,980 is the estimated population ages 75 and older in York Region. 

SOURCE ( The Banner /  The Era, Thursday August 2nd, 2012 )